Swordroll's Blog Is Now An Official UK Fansite, Wizard Weekly, and Various Updates
I've got some big news - Swordroll's Blog is now an official UK fansite! You can find us among others HERE! Wizard101 Central has also released their 38th episode of Wizard Weekly, and they aren't the only website at work! The Petnome Project is updating all of the old talent pictures to match the new, larger style, and they need your help!

Here's something I haven't kept you updated on in the past, and plan to do so from now on. Wizard101 Central uploads a video every Friday afternoon called "Wizard Weekly," where you have various segments about what's going on in the Spiral, PvP, and Houses! Check out episode 38!
If you've checked out the Friendly Necromancer's site, you know that he and his wife started a new monthly podcast called "Happy Dueling Hour." You can find it HERE. It is its own blog, just one more addition to http://happydueling.com/! They'll take about various online games, including Wizard101, and also include information on various board games. In their first episode, their featured Classic Game was Pac Man and they interviewed "Nanamancer," which was definitely one of the highlights of the show. Be sure to look into it!

As far as in-game news goes, the Snowball pet is leaving the Crown Shop on January 23rd. Here's the message from KingsIsle:
January is almost over, and we're hoping warmer temperatures are on their way! The Snowball pet however, isn't a fan of the warmth. He's heading out of the Crown Shop this Monday, January 23rd so he can stay nice and cold somewhere else until next year. Don't miss your chance to get this fun, frozen pet!
Wizard101 has also released a few new Abracadoodle comic strips since I last updated you on them.
Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!
Nice post Jason :D Gratz again on becoming official! Something they still haven't accepted for me but eh that's life :P
Wow, congratulations on the 'Official W101 UK Fansite' status! You really deserve the position!
@Blaze Shadowhorn, Destiny Soultamer - Thanks, guys!